We Shout, “Hosanna!” to Our God Who Saves!

As we live our lives we need to constantly be aware of our need for God to save us as we are being led to our many “crosses” and seeking God to revive us each day! As we receive His delivering power in our lives, then it is only fitting to reply with a Shout to Hosanna in praise for turning our Graves into Gardens cultivating Spirit-led, fruitful lives for His glory!

Spiritual Warfare

How does the devil operate today? How did the devil try to stop the work of Christ? If you have ever asked those questions, then you will want to check out this podcast episode.
Pastors Bill and Mark talk about the realities of the spiritual battles we face in this life in this episode of the Way to Go Podcast.
God bless you.

Session 86: Spiritual Battles

Mark Hostetler and Bill McMinn talk about the influence of Satan on the days leading up to Christ’s crucifixion.  We discuss how evil can influence our thinking and why it’s wise for us to be aware of it.