I am excited to be introducing a new song this week at Eagleville Bible Church! Shane and Shane have a new album out and one of the songs is called, Song in the Night. This song was introduced to me by one of the singers on the Music team, and she said that it has really impacted her life lately. After listening to it and adding it to our set list, I can definitely see why it has impacted her so deeply. It is a song of resolution, crying out to God, hope, and so much more, and that is why I can’t wait to introduce it to our congregation! Please follow the link below and listen to it for yourself. With that said, here are the songs for this week’s Worship service at Eagleville Bible Church:
- At Your Name, (YouTube link)
- Ps 66:1-3,
- Philippians 2:9-11,
- 1 Sam 2:2,
- Heb 13:15,
- Never Gonna Stop Singing, (YouTube link)
- Col 1:13-14,
- 1 Pet 2:9,
- Eph 2:5,
- Rev 5:9,
- Phil 2:10,
- Ps 47:6,
- Forever Reign, (YouTube link)
- Song in the Night, (YouTube link)
- Ps 119:68,
- Ps 118:28,
- Ps 31:14,
- Ps 116:13,
- Job 35:10,
- Rev 21:3-5,
- Our God Saves, (YouTube link)

Devotional Thought
I love Psalm 77 and the vulnerability of the Psalmist to speak of the feelings that he was wrestling through! In this Psalm we see how a man was suffering through a time of doubt, not knowing if; God was going to reject him forever (see Ps 77:7), show him favor again (77:7), God’s love had completely disappeared (77:8), His promises had failed (77:8), God forgot to be merciful to him (77:9), God’s anger replaced His compassion (77:9), and he thought God might have become completely inactive in his life – or that God has changed (77:10). Being vulnerable and confessing to the Lord our true feelings is such an important discipline if we desire to be overcomers in this life!
I don’t know about you, but I have had to wrestle through the same types of thoughts in my life too! There can be situations and trials that we are facing that can cause doubt to creep up and it begins to affect the way in which we see our God. The psalmist allowed the physical circumstances of his life to inform his theological understanding of God, even if it was just for a brief moment. If we are not careful, this can happen to us as well! Life situations should never define our view of God! God is God no matter what we face in life.
The good news is that we can witness through the written record of God’s Word how the psalmist reminded himself of the reality of God’s nature and consistent character! Check out Psalm 77:11-12:
“I will remember the works of the Lord. Yes, I will remember the amazing things you did long ago! I will think about all you have done; I will reflect upon your deeds!”
Psalm 77:11-12
He goes on to recount how God delivered His children from the Egyptians by opening up the Red Sea for them to escape from the Egyptian armies! God has the power to make the earth shake, make mountains crumble, save His children, etc. His voice is thunderous and his Name is all-powerful to break off the chains of our enemy! He has revealed His strength not only to the Nations, but also in my life (and I hope you can attest to that same truth!).
Earlier in Psalm 77, it says that in his time of trouble the psalmist had a song in the night that reminded him of who God was and what He did in the past for Israel and himself. It says in Ps 77:2 that the psalmist kept his hand raised in prayer throughout the night, and in verse 6 it says that he sang a song, all while going through this trouble in his spirit! Is that how you navigate some of those troubling evenings that you have? Do you raise your hands in prayer and lift up a song in the night to the Lord God? While he was groaning he chose to remember the truths of who God is and the faithfulness that he knew to be true of God!
In Ps 77:15 the psalmist declares that God delivered His people by His own strength, and I want to remind you today of this truth again! The delivering strength of our God was fully realized in Jesus Christ, who was sent to this earth to dwell among us so that He could completely destroy the power of our enemy who held us in bondage. We are delivered from his grip by the rescuing power of a Savior who conquered the grave and gave us all access to eternal life in His Name – Jesus Christ! Make Him your song in the night!
- When you are feeling troubled – sing Jesus!
- When you are doubting that He is near – sing Jesus!
- When you are fearful – sing Jesus!
- When you need comforted – sing Jesus!
- When you do not know what tomorrow holds for you and you are battling anxiety – sing Jesus!
- When you get the diagnosis that you did not want – sing Jesus!
- When you do not have the strength to go another day – SING JESUS!
Remind yourself that as long as Jesus Christ is alive in Heaven you have nothing to fear and you have an everlasting, Living Hope in His Name! Do not despair! Hold onto the hope that comes when you choose to trust in His name and make Him the song in your “night” moments! Trust is a choice and we will be much better off if we choose to allow God to be God and surrender our lives over to Him at all times.
There is only one Name that we sing – Jesus Christ! He is our song in the night!
God bless you!