Song of the Day
“I Am” by Crowder (YouTube link)
Scripture to reflect upon
- Exo 3:14,
- Ps 139:7,
- John 14:18,
- John 11:25,
- John 8:58,
- Rom 8:38-39,
Devotional thought
What does it mean to you to know that Jesus is the I Am? I know that this can seem confusing, but it is one of the most comforting titles Christ uses of Himself! Let me explain.
In Exodus 3, God calls Moses to go to Egypt and deliver His children. Moses responds with a question, “When I go to them and they ask who sent me, Who shall I say sent me?” (paraphrased). God tells him to tell them, “I Am has sent me to you.” (see Exo 3:13-14). In essence God is saying the One who has always existed, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. He is the One who is showing up to deliver you. The Creator of all things, He is the One sending Moses to rescue the Israelites out of the bondage of Egypt, and He does exactly that!
Well, when Jesus says this to the Jewish people of His day, they immediately recognized the reference to the God of Abraham – the I Am. So much so that they immediately picked up stones to stone Him! They realized that Christ was making Himself equal to the God of Abraham with that statement. There are still people today who want to pick up stones and try to destroy Jesus because of His claims, but I pray that you have decided to trust in that Name forever!
To know Christ as the I Am is to know Him as the One who never changes. The Savior who delivered the Israelites is the One who delivered us on the Cross! The One who was with David, Jacob, Joshua, Moses, etc., is the same God that promises to be with us! He has not left us orphans in this world to fend for ourselves! He is with us! He is the I Am that loves us and gave Himself for us! Let’s thank Him and praise His Name forever!
Whatever you are facing today, hear Jesus’ words of comfort to you right now – I AM!
Thank You so much God for giving me this encouragement today! I need to remember that You are always the same. Yesterday, today, and tomorrow I can count on Your faithfulness. As I look through Your Word, I can see how You were with the mighty men and women of faith thousands of years ago, and it gives me confidence to know that this same I Am is with me today! Forgive me God where I doubt Your ability to deliver me from my various trials. I choose to trust You God, and I am holding onto You as I hear You say – I Am. In Jesus Name, Amen