Song of the Day
“Goodness of God” (YouTube link)
Scripture to reflect upon
- Lam 3:22-23 (ESV),
- Ps 103:8,
- Ps 145:8-9,
- Ps 23:6,
- Ps 150:6,
- Luke 15:3-6,
- Ps 34:8,
Devotional thought
God is full of goodness, and it is His desire to share that goodness with His children! The Bible says that His goodness actually pursues us all of our days. Think about that for a minute – God’s goodness is chasing after you (Ps 23:6)! Not only is His goodness chasing us, but His faithfulness is too! We can trust Him. We can rest in His warm embrace and bring all of our cares to Him and He will never turn us away!
I love how “” says in this article that we see the “first missionary effort” done by the Creator seeking His lost creation after the fall of mankind (see Gen 3:8-9)! It says that Adam and Eve hid themselves when they heard God walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and we hear these profound words from the Lord:
“But the Lord God called to the man and said to him, “Where are you?”
Gen 3:9
Do you hear the Lord pursuing you in the same way today? Where are you? Are you hiding yourself from the God who created you? “Where are you?” is not asked because the Lord does not know where we are, it is asked to assist us in examining ourselves before the God who sees all! Do not hide from the pursuing God of the universe, instead turn toward Him and pursue Him with everything you have in you! God is absolutely pursuing a personal relationship with all of us, and it is my prayer that you have joined me in accepting that invitation to experience His goodness for the rest of my days!
Oh Lord, I am so grateful for Your good nature that passionately pursues me! Please help me to turn from those areas of my life that cause me to hide from You, and to embrace Your faithful calls to me in the garden of my soul. I dedicate myself to seeking You with all my heart, so that I can find You and be found by You. Help me to use my breathe to sing of Your goodness all the days of my life. In Jesus’ name, Amen.