Song of the Day
“A Mighty Fortress” by Christy Nockels (YouTube Link)
Scripture to reflect upon
- Ps 18:1-2,
- Dt 4:24,
- 2 Tim 4:8,
- Heb 12:2,
- 2 Tim 2:12,
- 2 Sam 22:33,
- Ps 59:9 (ESV),
- Ps 9:9,
Devotional thought
The title given of God to be our Mighty Fortress emphasizes God’s stable protection for the needy. A fortress is a high and lofty place/person that provides protection and safety when threatened. This word is often translated as a stronghold, and those who are in the Military will recognize this term as a fortified place that protects against attacks! Is God your Fortress? Is He your safe place that you run to when the attacks begin?
There is an unlimited number of counterfeit fortresses that promise safety for us, but the Lord our God is our only true refuge in times of trouble. He will never fail us when we seek refuge in His name. He is Jealous for us, a consuming fire, and the Righteous Judge that reigns supreme over all of our foes! Seek refuge in his Name today! Keep your eyes fixed upon Him for the help you need today. He is unshakable, consistent, safe, and His love will be the protecting force we need whenever we are fearful of the attacks that come at us from the enemy of our soul.
Please read these words from Psalm 18 for yourself, and ask if you can truly relate to this Psalmist:
“I love you, Lord, my source of strength! The Lord is my high ridge, my stronghold, my deliverer. My God is my rocky summit where I take shelter, my shield, the horn that saves me, and my refuge.
Ps 18:1-2
Jesus Christ is the Strong Tower that God has provided for our deliverance! Let’s run to Him and find our protection in Him at all times!
My Mighty Fortress, I a grateful for the protection and safety that I find in Your Name! I thank You for Your love and faithfulness, Your mercy over my life, and the consistency of Your unshakable nature. I ask You to forgive my tendency to run to other things to provide refuge when I am in need. Please give me the wisdom to run to You first and to trust You as my safe place in all trials and temptations. Thank You Lord Jesus, in Your name – Amen.