Worship Devo: Being Delivered from Your Egypt!
God has a wonderful track record of stepping in throughout history and delivering those who call upon Him by faith! You can read about it in the Bible, you can look up Godly testimonies and listen to transformation in other people’s lives, or you can keep a journal and describe your own deliverance experience. All of those are ways to “remember” the works of the Lord, and as we do that our joy and confidence will increase! This is so important and I hope that you can remember that work of deliverance/salvation in your own life.
Gaining Your Sight

Pastors Bill and Eric are looking at John 9 and discussing the incredible miracle of God healing a blind man, and how the people of that day missed the miracle by focusing on things that ultimately did not matter! Don’t miss the work of God in your life by focusing on things that block your vision of Him!
God bless you
Session 134: Let‘s Not Be Blind – John 9

Bill McMinn and Eric Barfell talk about the story of the man born blind. Jesus restored his sight but the religious leaders couldn’t see what God was doing. We want to make sure that we can see what God is doing and keep our focus on Christ. Lots …