Song of the Day
“Egypt” by Cory Asbury (To hear this song, just click on this YouTube link)
Scripture to reflect upon
(Hover over, or click the Scripture reference to read the verses)
- Exodus 14:13-14,
- Exodus 14:19-31,
- John 8:32,
- Prov 21:31,
- Isa 40:10-11,
- Gal 5:1,
- Ps 13:5,
Devotional thought
“I won’t forget the wonder of how You brought deliverance, the exodus of my heart!” This is the first line from our song today, and I absolutely love it! It is a challenge to remember the work God has done in our life, and to realize that without God we would still be stuck in our “Egypt” (a place of tyranny and slavery to something that is against God).
God has a wonderful track record of stepping in throughout history and delivering those who call upon Him by faith! You can read about it in the Bible, you can look up Godly testimonies and listen to transformation in other people’s lives, or you can keep a journal and describe your own deliverance experience. All of those are ways to “remember” the works of the Lord, and as we do that our joy and confidence will increase! This is so important and I hope that you can remember that work of deliverance/salvation in your own life.
Some of us are spending much time and energy doing something that only God can do, we are trying to deliver ourselves. While I do commend doing whatever we can to access help for our situations, we must be careful to leave the important work of transformation to God alone! He is the One that will have the ability to completely change everything about us and our situations. Watch how Moses tells the Israelites (probably around 1 – 2 million people!) to trust in God:
Moses said to the people, “Do not fear! Stand firm and see the salvation of the Lord that he will provide for you today; for the Egyptians that you see today you will never, ever see again. The Lord will fight for you, and you can be still.”
Exodus 14:13-14
Wow! Watch the salvation of the Lord! Just be still and watch the Lord fight for you. Trust in Him! You will never see the “Egypt” that has you stuck in life again, if you look to the Lord our God and trust Him for your deliverance! Hallelujah!!
Dear Heavenly Father, my Mighty Warrior. I thank You for the times that I seen Your delivering strength in my life and in the lives of those I love! You truly are the Shepherd of my soul, the One who fights to protect me and lead me into a life of peace. Forgive me Lord where I trust in myself instead of coming to You and seeking Your transformation in my life. Help me to repent and turn from all of the “Egypts” in my life right now and to trust Your delivering power to destroy those harmful patterns in my life. In Jesus’ name, Amen.