Song of the Day
“Holy Water” by We The Kingdom
Scripture to reflect upon
- Ps 51:1-2,
- Titus 2:11-14,
- 1 John 1:9,
- Rom 6:1-14,
- John 3:1-18,
Devotional thought
I believe most of us can relate to the first couple lines of our song today, “God, I’m on my knees again, God I’m begging please again. I need You, Oh I need You!” Sin is a very present reality in our lives, and the battle against it can be very fierce at times, but the reality of forgiveness actually has the potential of allowing us the ability to overcome those nagging sins in our lives!
Romans 6 tells us that we do not need to be slaves to sin anymore once we are baptized into Christ! Titus 2 tells us that when we experience the grace that God offers us, it actually teaches us to DENY ungodliness and world lusts and shows us how to live in a sober, righteous, and godly way! We cannot underestimate the power of forgiveness, grace, and loving-kindness all working together to regenerate a clean heart and resolute spirit within us! We cannot produce this on our own, we MUST HAVE the Holy Spirit doing this work in our lives.
If you are currently struggling with sin(s) right now, I have great news for you! Confession is your only means to finding freedom from the sin that has you entangled! 1 John 1:9 tells us that when we confess our sins to the Lord, He is faithful to forgive us and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness!! To those of us that have experienced that personally, it truly is the sweetest taste of freedom and joy we have ever experienced, and I pray that you will join us in that same experience! Forgiveness is available, all you must do is call upon the only One authorized to extend it to you – Jesus Christ our Savior.
Dear Heavenly Father, Your forgiveness truly is sweet to my spirit and I praise You for sending Christ to die for me so that I can experience freedom from sin in His name. Forgive me God for my sins and help me to walk in newness of life as I trust in You today! I need You God, each day to fill me with Your Spirit and to help me overcome my hurts, habits, and hangups. Thank You for being my ever present reality in my times of need. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
P.S. Please take the time to be specific when you confess your struggles to the Lord! God works in specifics, the enemy works in generalities. Also, God convicts while Satan accuses and condemns. Never listen to a condemning and accusational voice and think that it is from God! Be specific and God will correct without condemnation!