Song of the Day
“Joy of the Lord” by Rend Collective
Scripture to reflect upon
- Neh 8:10,
- Ex 15:2,
- Ps 7:10,
- Isa 12:2,
- Ps 28:7,
- James 1:2-4,
Devotional thought
Joy can be a very fleeting and difficult thing to experience in this life, if we do not understand its Source. Unfortunately, many of us equate happiness with joy and we become very frustrated in our lives because there are many things that cause us not to be “happy”. Let me be very clear, joy does not guarantee a smile on our face, laughter, or circumstances to be rainbows and sunshine!
While joy is closely related to laughter and happiness, it is more of a state of being and not so much an emotion. It is a result of the choices we make to trust in God’s sovereignty. Joy is a disposition of the heart that is able to remain steady through any situation as we draw on the strength that God provides. That is how James can say to count it all “joy” when faced with various trials (see James 1:2-4), because we know that as we endure and persevere through our trials while holding on to our God they will produce in us a stronger and more mature faith! Joy is also a fruit of the Spirit within us (see Gal 5:22-23), an overall experience of Christianity, and a great tool God uses to keep us from falling into despair.
If we look to anything other than Jesus Christ to be our Source of joy, we will inevitably be frustrated and robbed of the fullness of life that He came to give us (see John 10:10). The Scriptures are very clear that God is our Source, our Shield, and our Strength, and that as we trust in Him and watch His deliverance take place in our lives we will experience an unmistakable joy that produces peace and contentment in this life!
That is why I love the song for today so much, because it declares these words, “Though the tears may fall, my song will rise to You. Though my heart may fail, my song will rise to You. Though the waters rise, my song will rise to You. There is strength when I say, I will praise You Lord!!” This is a call to trust God, to keep our faith in His delivering strength, and to keep praising the Lord no matter what comes.
My Heavenly Father, I do choose right now to trust in You because I know that as I do it will produce a joy in my heart, and that is what I want Lord – Your joy! I want to experience the fullness of Your love, peace, and joy, so please fill me with these attributes as I trust in You. Forgive me God for living joylessly in my life at times, for not fully trusting in Your plan, and for allowing my circumstances to rob me of my hope in Your ability to deliver me. I repent Lord, and I seek to live full of faith and joy from this point on. Thank You Jesus for being my Source and Strength. Amen