Song of the Day
“House of the Lord” by Phil Wickham
Scripture to reflect upon
- Heb 13:8,
- Rev 1:8,
- 1 Cor 15:57,
- Ps 28:7,
- Isa 53:5,
- 1 Pet 2:9-10,
- Ps 66:1-4,
- Ps 100,
Devotional thought
“We won’t be quiet, we will shout out Your praise!” What a great declaration from the song today! Is that your resolve today? Are you eager to shout out the praises of our God? Have you seen Him heal, save, transform, redeem, etc., in your life? If you have, who knows about it?
We need to join into the age old celebration of God at work in the lives of human beings! All throughout the Bible we can see God intervening into people’s situations and delivering them/us! We see an entire book of the Bible dedicated to remembering and informing our worship of these things, the Psalms! God is at work today just the same as He was back then, and I want to celebrate that work through joyful shouts of praise! How about you?
Ps 66:1 says to “Shout out praise to God,…”. When was the last time you shouted praises to God? I’m sure the last time your favorite team scored, or you experienced something really exciting, you didn’t hold back – you SHOUTED! That is fine, but do you show that same enthusiasm for the work of God in your life and the lives of those you love? When you see God heal, do you praise Him? When you hear of someone receiving salvation, or getting baptized, or being freed from addiction, do you shout out your praises to God? I encourage you now to join into the celebration and shout out your praises! God loves that!
Oh God, I do thank You and shout out my praises to You for Your intervention into my life and situations. You truly are the only One who deserves my praises, and I choose even now to offer them up to You! Forgive me where I hold back my enthusiasm, where I neglect to praise You as I should. I repent and will look for ways to creatively and enthusiastically lift up my voice in praising Your Holy and matchless name. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.