Song of the Day
“Let the Nations Be Glad” by Matt Boswell & Matt Papa
Scripture to reflect upon
- Numbers 14:21,
- Isa 60:1,
- Eph 2:8-9,
- Heb 12:1-2,
- Rev 2:10,
- 1 Pet 3:15,
- Mark 13:10,
- Ps 100,
Devotional thought
There has been nothing that has ever even come close to the impact that the Gospel message of Jesus Christ has had on our world! Every tribe and tongue, every age from the beginning of time, has been introduced to the God of the universe in some way or another, and in these last days it is through the Gospel message!
We have been commissioned by God Himself to carry this message to the world, to make sure that we are making disciples and influencing our “world” for the Lord! His glory rises up in us, it shines upon us as we proclaim the message to others of how Jesus Christ was sent into this world to bring salvation and hope to the helpless. There will be testing, even to the point of death to some, but the Church of Christ must persevere and endure through persecution and trials in order to spread this message with the hopes that some will believe and be saved!
“Let the nations be glad, let the people’s rejoice. For salvation belongs to our God!” If we truly want this to be happening in our world today, then we must first realize that this only happens one person at a time! So, we must be the one’s first rejoicing, first believing, first receiving and repenting, first shouting for joy, first witnessing to His redeeming power, first……! We must be first in sharing the Gospel! Are you first? Are you prepared to give the reason for the hope that is within you (see 1 Peter 3:15)?
Heavenly Father, thank You for entrusting me with the greatest message ever to be communicated to this world – the Gospel! Thank You for redeeming my life, for saving me by grace, and for bringing joy to the Nations of this world through Jesus Christ! I do pray for Your kingdom to come, for Your will to be done on Earth as it is in Heaven! I pray for the message of the Gospel to burn in my mouth for those that need to hear it, that I would be ready to share it with my friends and family, and that they would be ready to receive it as I share. Thank You Holy Spirit that I am being sent into this world in Your power and not mine alone. Be with me and help me to persevere, in Jesus name I pray. Amen.