Can You Believe It?

Bill and Mark talk about what we believe about Jesus Christ from John 10. We also talk about how once a person believes in Jesus, they have eternal life. Our faith in Christ is one of the most important aspects of our lives.
God bless you!
Worship Devotional: Can We Grasp the Holiness of God?
The basic sense of the word “holy” is “set apart from that which is commonplace, special, unique, and I believe that it is so important for God to have this “holy”, special place in our hearts as we follow Him. We must learn to fear Him and understand the true nature of God before we can accurately see ourselves! There is absolutely no one that “deserves” an audience with the perfect and Holy King of the universe. We are all unclean as Isaiah realized, and unworthy of God’s attention and compassion, but that does not stop God from responding to us in kindness and love!