Song of the Day
“God of Wonders” by Third Day
Scripture to reflect upon
- Acts 10:36,
- Acts 17:24,
- Ps 19:1-4,
- Isa 6:3,
- Rom 11:33-36,
- Ps 119:55,
- Jer 31:35,
- Isa 40:13,25-31,
Devotional thought
God is the One who hung the sun, moon, and stars in the sky! He formed all that we see, He intricately designed our bodies within our mother’s womb! God is the maker of all and so far beyond our ways and higher than us. We have a hard time understanding and grasping His wonderful (or full of wonder) Nature.
We must realize that when we are speaking to God in prayer we are actually speaking to the most powerful Being in the universe. It is incredible to me to think that the God who is existing outside of time and space intervenes into our realm and helps us in our times of need! Have you lost your wonder for the wonderful God?
It is incredibly comforting to know that this wonderful God is with me as I go through various trails in my life. Job found this out when he endured all these horrible circumstances and trials and was crying out to God for answers, when God showed up on the scene and actually spoke to him, He said;
“Get ready for a difficult task like a man; I will question you and you will inform me! “Where were you when I laid the foundation of the earth? Tell me, if you possess understanding!”
Job 38:3-4
That was God’s response to a man desperate to hear answers to his current problems. That is fascinating to me! God responded to Job’s problem by reminding him of how big and amazing his God truly is! The way I see that response is the Lord telling Job that there is just simply no problem too great for Him, no trial that we face that our God is not able to overcome and be victorious over! We can trust Him in every situation we face to be able to handle it!
We have to get a grasp on the holiness of God and His wonderful Nature in order to fully trust Him with our lives. He is the Lord of all, the Ruler of all things, and I hope He is the Lord of your life today! When you make Him Lord of all in your life, then you access His closeness, you access His guidance, you access His Holy Spirit which is our help in our times of need!
He truly is the God of wonders, who can fathom His Ways, who can understand His mind, who can resist His power?
Oh, the depth of the riches and wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are his judgments and how fathomless his ways! For who has known the mind of the Lord or who has been his counselor? Or who has first given to God, that God needs to repay him? For from him and through him and to him are all things. To him be glory forever! Amen.
Rom 11:33-36
God of wonders, I trust You and praise You for being with me in all of my trials. Forgive me when I forget the wonder of who You are, when I lose my trust for Your ability to deliver me. I repent now and seek to offer up my worship to You at all times for being the God of wonders whose ways are so much higher than mine. In Jesus’ name. Amen.