Song of the Day
“Way Maker“, by Leeland
Scripture to reflect upon
- Heb 9:11-15,
- Heb 11:1,
- Isa 43:19,
- John 1:5,
- Phil 1:6,
- John 5:17,
- Hab 1:5,
- Ps 77,
Devotional thought
“Then I said, “I am sickened by the thought that the sovereign One might become inactive.”
Ps 77:10
This statement made by the Psalmist in Ps 77 is one that I can so relate with! There are times in my life that I become very desperate to see God moving and working in a situation, and when I do not see it immediately, I can find myself getting sick at the thought of my God being inactive in the situation! But is this really true?
God is always at work! We may not see Him, feel Him, or see the immediate answers to our prayers, but our limited sight doesn’t automatically confirm God’s inactivity! Faith requires that we continue to pursue our God for that thing that we are longing for, right?
Let’s look at the Biblical definition of faith in the book of Hebrews,
“Now faith is being sure of what we hope for, being convinced of what we do not see.”
Hebrews 11:1
Do you see that when we ask God for anything by faith, we are literally saying that we believe He is able to provide whatever it is that we are asking of Him, that He is at work in the situation we need help with, and that we are convinced that He is our only hope in that situation! We must believe that God is at work at all times, but that does not guarantee that His answer is what we think it should be. He is all-knowing, not us. His ways are right and pure, not ours all the time, right?
Trust in God’s activity!
We can trust that God is at work by looking at the Biblical references of how He worked in the past! That is what the Psalmist did in Psalm 77. He said;
I will remember the works of the Lord. Yes, I will remember the amazing things you did long ago!
Ps 77:11
There is something that happens to our faith when we see how God intervened in the history of humanity and apply that knowledge to our current situations. That is how we can trust that God is working even when we do not see or feel Him.
The same way that the children of Israel should have trusted that God was arranging their deliverance through Moses in a burning bush experience while they were being oppressed by the Egyptians, in the same way that Daniel didn’t see that Michael was sent out to help him while he was weak and terrified, in the same way that Elisha’s servant should have trusted that God was fighting the battle with a host of heavenly armies all around them, and the list goes on and on!
These are the stories that we need to remember when we are tempted to doubt whether or not God is actively responding to our cries to Him for help! He is working, He is moving, He is transforming our hearts, He is the Way Maker, the Promise Keeper, and the Light that drives out all of the darkness the surrounds us when we look to Him for our deliverance! Hallelujah!
Dear God, my Way Maker, help me to trust You at all times – even when I don’t see You or feel You. Please forgive me for doubting You, God. I repent, and I ask that You increase my faith to be confident at all times that You are not a God that is far off but very near to me! Thank You Jesus for being faithful, and I praise You now for showing Yourself throughout history as the trustworthy and ever-present reality in our times of need! In Jesus’ name, Amen.