Song of the Day
“We are Free Forever”, by Matt Lacy & Eagleville Bible Church worship team
Scripture to reflect upon
- Gal 5:1,
- John 8:36,
- John 3:16,
- Rom 7:24-25(a),
- Rom 6:11,
- Rom 6:17,
- John 14:6,
- Isa 61:1,
Devotional thought
“So if the son sets you free, you will be really free.”
John 8:36
I want to remind myself, and everyone reading this right now, that if we are “In Christ”,
By His submission to suffer death on the Cross! Galatians 5:1 tells us that the very reason for Christ’s death is to set us free!! Freedom for His children is a big deal to God and I hope that you are experiencing that freedom today.
So, the question is, “What did He set me free from?”.
We find a statement over in Romans chapter 6 that tells us that the one who has died has been freed from sin. Sin is the tyrannical ruler we are set free from when we come into a relationship with the Father, through Jesus Christ (see John 14:6)!
The power, penalty, and presence of sin in our life is what we can be freed from when we receive the cleansing power of Christ into our lives, when we repent and make the choice to follow Him! His mercy and grace is what removes sin’s chains that were once shackled onto us, holding us in bondage to doing all that it commanded. It is the regenerating and renewing power of the Holy Spirit (see Titus 3:4-6) that washes us clean from our sinful ways and guides us to live righteous and godly lives of freedom!
Jesus is the Victor that won the war over sin and death for us! He is the One that holds the key to it now, and He is the One that provides the access we need to walk in freedom today from the fear of sin and death! Hallelujah, WE ARE FREE FOREVER!
- Are you experiencing freedom in your life?
- Is there anything that you may need to repent from today in order to embrace the freedom purchased for you on the Cross?
- Have you worshiped God today for making you free in Christ?
Dear Lord, I want to thank You for the ability to have freedom in Your name! I am so grateful to have a new life in Christ, and I pray that my old ways will never return again. I repent of my sinful ways and I choose now to seek You, and the freedom that You have given me, by living a righteous and God-fearing life for Your glory. In Jesus’ name. Amen.