Song of the Day
“Holy Spirit” by Brian & Katie Torwalt
Scripture to reflect upon
- 1 Pet 1:3,
- Ps 34:8,
- Acts 10:44,
- 1 Kings 8:10-11,
- Exo 33:11-19,,
- 2 Cor 3:18,
Devotional thought
I admit that it is a weird thought to “invite” the Holy Spirit into your daily activities because isn’t He already there? Yes, He is there, but this is more of an invitation to manifest (show up) Himself in our lives. God is everywhere present at all times (I know – hard to understand right?), but there are times and locations that He chooses to reveal Himself in special and specific ways. An invitation to welcome the Holy Spirit is in essence saying,
“God, show up!”.
Offering the Holy Spirit an invitation to our daily interactions says to Him that He is welcome to offer insight, direction, help, coaching advice, counsel, truth, etc., and that we will listen to and obey all that He says!
Have you ever been a part of an activity/party and not felt like you were noticed or even wanted at all in the event? I know that there are times this has happened to me, like it wouldn’t have made a difference if I was there or not because I contributed so little to the event. I never want the Holy Spirit to feel that way as I go through life with Him living in me1.
Have we forgotten that God deposited His Spirit within us to help and guide us through life?
When I invite the Spirit to be a part of my life, I am in essence saying, “I want Your input God, or Your guidance is what I am looking for, or because You are with me right now I will honor You by not involving myself in this sinful thing, or I just want to know that You are here with me God.”
God wants us to welcome Him into our lives as the main focus, not just an afterthought. He wants to be involved, but we have to make the choice to involve Him!
Questions for Reflection
- Are you involving God, the Holy Spirit, into your daily activities?
- When was the last time you welcomed the Holy Spirit into your decision making processes?
- Will you begin doing that today?
Dear Father, I am so grateful that You deposited the Holy Spirit within me in order to keep me focused on Jesus and the truth in this world. I would be lost without Your guidance, Holy Spirit. I need You to be a constant guiding presence in my life, and I am sorry for neglecting You at times. Please forgive me. I choose now to welcome You into my life on a daily basis, to look to You for guidance and correction. Please reveal Your presence to me as I look to You God. In Jesus Name. Amen.

1You may not be familiar with the idea of the Holy Spirit living within you at all. I want to let you know that the only way for the Holy Spirit to live in you is by accepting Jesus Christ to be your Savior. We must receive Him as Lord of our lives, and then He sends His Spirit to live within us and to be our seal for eternal life until the day Christ returns! For further study on this, please read this post.