Song of the Day
“Great Things” by Phil Wickham
Scripture to reflect upon
- Ps 95:6,
- Isa 12:5,
- Deut 10:21,
- 1 Sam 12:24,
- Ps 119:90,
- 2 Cor 1:20,
- Zeph 3:17,
Devotional thought
We have so much to praise God for and I do not feel that praising Him is something that can be overdone. We should be a people who are characterized by celebrations of praise and hearts of gratitude because of all that God has accomplished for each one of us!
I know the pain and misery, the sinfulness, and the destructive patterns that God almighty, the Hero of Heaven, delivered me from! I was a wreck and one day He got ahold of my heart enough to cause my transformation! He said, “My sheep hear Me, know Me, and follow Me!”, to which I responded, “Lord, I do not know You, or follow You, or know Your voice. Please save me! I repent!”
At that point, immediately the Lord answered that call for His help and He rescued me, and by extension my entire family, from a life of sin! My Hero delivered me, and now I want everyone to experience that deliverance!
I celebrate the faithful work of God in my life. I sing His praises, I follow Him by making decisions that align with His will for me, and I learn to recognize His voice as I follow Him on a daily basis – seeking Him out through prayer and Bible reading! God is so good and faithful!
Our main verse from Zephaniah 3:17 reminds us of why we celebrate our God who saves.
- He is with us!
- He is a Mighty Warrior who is fighting for us!
- He gives us victory!
- He rejoices over us (can you imagine, God rejoicing over you right now?)
- He loves us!
- He renews us in His love!
- He celebrates us (exults) with songs and shouts of joy!
What a tremendous list of things from this verse to be grateful for and to return our praise to God for! Let’s celebrate our Hero from Heaven who is so good in all His ways!
Questions for Reflection
- Have you had an encounter with the Lord God Almighty?
- Would other people know that you had that encounter? How?
- Have you celebrated God’s work in your life lately through praising Him?
- If not, will you do that right now?
Hero of Heaven, Lord God almighty, I do praise you for Your faithfulness in my life! I love You Lord and thank You for being that mighty Warrior that saves. I praise You for taking great delight in me, for singing over me as You deliver me daily! I pray that You will birth in me a desire to remain in a position of gratitude and praise. Thank You Lord for saving me. In Jesus’ name. Amen.