Song of the Day
“Lead Me to the Cross” by Hillsong United
Scripture to reflect upon
- Ps 46:10,
- Rom 5:8,
- John 19:16-18,
- Phil 3:8,
- Phil 2:7-8,
- Rom 12:1,
- Isa 53:4-7,
Devotional thought
Let’s take a minute to quiet our souls and remember all that the Lord our God did for us. Life is so full of demands and we can at times become overly focused on those attention grabbers. I hope to refocus us today and allow us to spend some time reflecting upon our Savior.
Although the cross is a symbol of death and torture, for those of us who have been saved by the sacrifice of Christ upon it we see it as an instrument of love! God demonstrated His love toward us on that cross.
It should have been me on that cross but my Savior Jesus said, “Not my will Father but Yours be done”, and He humbled Himself to the point of death upon that horrible instrument of pain. My God hung upon that Cross for me, in my place, and in the place of all who call upon Him for the forgiveness of their sins.
So why would we want to be lead to the cross?
We want to return to that place of torture to remind ourselves of God’s covenantal commitment to us. We go back there to allow ourselves to see the execution of love, the brilliance of God’s plan realized, the salvation of our souls being carried out in death, and finally to remind ourselves that it no longer holds our Savior! It is empty. The Cross is just a piece of wood now. Jesus is not dead!
The instrument designed to kill brought life to all of Jesus’ followers. Those desiring to kill our Lord were actually carrying out the plan of God to bring them salvation. If Christ had only died upon that cross, we would still be hopeless, but our God raised Jesus from the dead. He is alive, and a trip back to the cross should remind us of that truth every time!
He is not humbled in death anymore, He is victorious over it and holds the keys to it now. We can live a new life now, leaving all of those sins that were causing death in our life at the foot of the cross! We have new life by the blood that was shed by our Savior on the cross, let’s live it!
Questions for Reflection
- How often do you return to the cross in your mind, reflecting upon the exchange that took place on it for you?
- Does the cross communicate love to you?
- Have you praised God for giving you a place to go to for the forgiveness of your sins and for the hope of a new life in Christ? Will you now?
Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for providing a cross that resulted in my salvation! I praise You for sending Jesus to take my punishment, to die in place. I choose now to come back to that place where Your love was demonstrated for me and I worship You Lord Jesus for loving me so much to die in my place. I leave my sins at the foot of that cross and I choose a new life in Your name, Jesus. Amen