Song of the Day
“Your Grace is Enough” by Chris Tomlin
Scripture to reflect upon
- 2 Cor 12:9,
- 1 Cor 1:26-31,
- Lam 3:22-24,
- Titus 2:11-12,
- Exo 15:2,
- Ephesians 2:8-9,
Devotional thought
Our society is very consumer driven and bent on not being satisfied with anything! The word “sufficient” seems to have been lost in our world, so I will try to explain it.
Sufficient is a word that holds the meaning of being content and completely satisfied. Now, there are plenty of things in my life that I am not satisfied with, but the question isn’t whether I am satisfied with my sufficiency – is it? The question is, are we satisfied with God’s grace to be our sufficiency?
When we consider this question, we must ask ourselves if we are trying to add to the complete work of Christ to save us. It is unfortunate that there are some that teach that we are not saved by grace alone, but that we have to do something more to gain salvation. This is utterly false and against the teaching of the Word of God! His grace is sufficient to save us, and it is the ONLY agent for our salvation through faith (see Eph 2:8-9)!
We are tempted to think that our weaknesses hinder us from experiencing the perfect work of Christ in our life. The Scriptures actually tell us though that in our weaknesses we will actually experience the grace of God even stronger! This doesn’t give us a reason to stay in our weaknesses, but it encourages us to confess our weaknesses and approach them with a humble heart that seeks correction from the Lord and the grace needed to overcome them.
God gives grace to the humble, and the humble confess their weaknesses to the Lord. This is the way to allow His grace to have sufficiency in our lives. Titus 2:11-12 tells us that the grace of God actually teaches us how to live godly and upright lives for Him! There is no grace for the prideful, because the prideful heart will not admit weakness and thereby will reject the grace to overcome those weaknesses offered by the Lord! It is a viscous cycle.
We must embrace the grace that God offers us with a humble heart, ready to be transformed each day! God’s grace is absolutely sufficient to meet all of our needs and to change our weaknesses into His strength. He loves us and His grace is one of the most powerful tools in producing our transformation! Are you willing to receive that grace today?
Questions for Reflection
- Do you have a humble enough spirit to admit weakness to the Lord and to embrace His gracious correction?
- Is His grace sufficient enough for you to be secure in your salvation, or do you feel that you have to try to add to His complete work of salvation?
- Have you praised the Lord today for being faithful to you? Will you now?
Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for Your faithfulness to me by providing grace to cover my sinfulness! I love You Lord and want to be open with You about my weaknesses in order to gain Your strength in those areas of my life. Please help me to be satisfied with the limitless grace You have bestowed upon my life. Thank You Lord, in Jesus’ name, Amen.