Song of the Day
“Death was Arrested” by Northpoint
Scripture to reflect upon
- Eph 2:12,
- John 14:18,
- 2 Cor 5:17,
- Gal 5:1,
- Luke 1:68,
- Heb 2:14-15,
Devotional thought
I am amazed when I read the parts of the Bible that actually say many “false witnesses” came forward and shared “false testimonies” to try and convict Jesus of something bad enough that it would require a death sentence!
From the beginning there has been a war on the truth by people who are sold to the agenda of lies!
They hated the fact that they were being called out by Him. So much so that they were willing to lie and twist Jesus’ message in order to get Him killed. You will see the true nature of a person when their agenda’s are being challenged by truth!
The bad news is that the rulers of that day succeeded, and because of those lies Jesus Christ had to endure a brutal punishment that ultimately led to His death upon the Cross! They actually silenced Him, and for 3 days thought they had gained control again.
Little did they know that their Savior (yes, that’s right – Jesus is the Savior of the world! Even those who seek to destroy Him can come to Him for Salvation and forgiveness when they are willing to submit to His Authority as Lord), Jesus Christ was not dead! He was overcoming the power of death as they celebrated their short-lived victory! Jesus was arresting death and it’s power over people through the power of His Name, which the Father exalted above every other name!
The Good news is that on the 3rd day, Jesus was raised again with the power of death in His mighty Hands as He gave us all access to eternal life through His name! He overcame the power of the enemy! He rose to life everlasting! In that momentous victory He provided everything we need to walk as New Creations when we come to Him in faith! Jesus did it!! The Truth overcame the lies!
The act of Christ dying on the cross for us is proof enough that God loves us (Romans 5:8), and it delivered us from the power of death and darkness in our lives! We do not have to believe the lies of the enemy, or the society around us. We have the Truth on our side now. We have a God that explicitly tells us the truth of who He is and who we are to Him!
When we are meeting resistance from the opposing views around us seeking to silence our message, or feeling the influence of fear in our lives, that is when we must call upon the beautiful Name of Jesus! That name is more powerful than any other Name and it is a strong tower that will demolish any lies that are causing death and doubt to overtake your life!
Just as Christ Himself did, keep coming back to the Word of God in response to the temptations and lies of the enemy(s). His Word, the Truth, will never fail us!
Questions for Reflection
- Are you currently believing any lies about yourself, or God?
- Do you fear death and allow that fear to keep you in a state of spiritual paralysis?
- Will you praise the Lord right now for overcoming death forever and giving you eternal life in His name?
Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for arresting death on behalf of all those who follow You. I praise You for being victorious, for being the Truth that I can hold on to in a world of lies, and for depositing Your Holy Spirit into my life that is pointing me to Jesus Christ at all times – who is THE Truth! In His name I pray. Amen.