Session 145: Promises – John 14

Bill McMinn and guest Eric Barfell talk about promises Jesus makes that are vital to life. Give it a listen!
Session 144: Don‘t Be Afraid – John 14

Eric Barfell and Bill McMinn talk John 14 and how Jesus didn’t want us to be afraid. He is the way, the truth, and the life and he’s going on ahead of us. Lots of practical talk from a great chapter!
The Indescribable Love of God! Worship Devotional
The same power that created the heavens and all that you see in them is at work in my life! God, the One who commands lightning bolts where to strike and rain to fall is also commanding my every steps as I look to Him for direction! My Lord is the One who was raised to life after defeating death and is now raising me to new life in Him!
Do you know Him? Know in the experiential sense of the word, not only in intellect!
To Tell You the Truth (Full Service)

Good morning and thank you for joining Eagleville Bible Church. We are so glad that you have decided to spend some time with us, and we hope that as a result you will be drawn closer to God. God bless.
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