Song of the Day
“One Day” by Eagleville Bible Church
Lyrics for “One Day”
Verse 1
I’m lost and wondering
So many things I just don’t know
I’m at the end of myself; I can’t do this on my own
I set my eyes upon Your throne
One day I———I will see the heavens
One day I———-I will see Your light
One day I———I will see Your glory
One day I———-I will see You shine, so bright
Verse 2
I’m held firmly in Your hands
And I know You’re in control
I don’t have to be afraid; I know I’ll make it home
Yes, I know You’ll guide me home
My help comes from the Lord
My help comes from the Lord
My help comes from the Lord
My help comes from you Lord (Build through line)
Chorus 2 (x2)
Scripture to reflect upon
- Ps 121:1-2,
- 1 Thess 4:17,
- Heb 12:2(a),
- Ps 68:34,
- John 14:3,
- Isa 41:10, 13,
- Matt 5:8,
Devotional thought
The pure in heart shall see God! This is what Jesus told the people while He was preaching the Sermon on the Mount (found in Matt 5-7). It is one of the Beatitudes found in that message, and I want to explore that today!
Purity is a big deal to God! Ps 24:3-4 (NIV) says that only those with clean hands and pure hearts can ascend the hill of the Lord. Only they can stand in His holy presence. Only they can have the everlasting hope of seeing God, not only one day in the future but active in their lives today!
James 4:8 tells us to cleanse our hands and to purify our hearts if we are to draw near to God, and have Him draw near to us! I want God to draw near to me, how about you?

What does it mean to see God?
Seeing God is both a hope for the future and a hope for God’s manifest presence and activity in our lives today. We want to see Him heal, deliver, restore, reconcile, forgive, and so on right now. And we want to see Him in glory when this life is over and we move on to the next!
There is something about that hope of a future unification of us and God in Heaven that really helps us live our lives today! Because I know that I will see God, I now try to live with purity, patience, mission, accountability, and overall peace. He is with me now, and soon I will be with Him where He is (see John 14:3!). This provides an immense sense of hope for me and gives me great security as I live out my faith in Christ!
“Dear friends, we are God’s children now, and what we will be has not yet been revealed. We know that whenever it is revealed we will be like him, because we will see him just as he is. And everyone who has this hope focused on him purifies himself, just as Jesus is pure).”
1 John 3:2-3
Questions for Reflection
- Do you want to see God?
- Is your current struggle hindering you from seeing God at work in your life?
- Is your heart pure? If not, will you repent?
Dear Heavenly Father. I praise You for revealing Yourself in Christ to me! I want to be pure in Your sight, and I want to see You at work in my life. I want to keep the hope of a future forever with You in heaven in my mind as well. Please help me to stay focused in this life, to stay pure in all that I do, and to stay hopeful in You! I want to see You Lord! In Jesus’ Name. Amen.