Song of the Day
“Whatever May Come” by Jeremy Camp
Scripture to reflect upon
- Ps 55:16,
- Ps 20:5,
- Heb 11:1,
- Matt 6:33-34,
- Ps 107:19-20,
- Jer 33:11,
Devotional thought
We are called to be people of faith that believe in the unseen God to hear us and answer our prayers when we call upon Him in our times of need. Hebrews 11:1 tells us that faith is being sure of what we hope for and being convinced of what we do not see.
So, when we have circumstances in our lives that are painful, scary, or anything else, we need to rest in the fact that we have a God that is near to us, and is with us in all things! All it takes is for us to fall on our knees and to call upon Jesus Christ to deliver us and to be near to us in our present trials.
God has assured us that when we call to Him, He will answer. When we ask for His help, He is the One who will be nearer than anything or anyone as we go through difficulties. He does not promise us a life free of trials, but He does promise to be with us in the trials!
Fear not, don’t be afraid, I am with you, you will have troubles but be of good cheer because I have overcome the world!! These are quotes from the Scriptures that assure us that we are not alone when face anything in this life. I hope and pray that this truth will encourage you and inspire you to call upon the Lord whatever you are facing. Because, He is our only hope and solution!
So, whatever you are facing today, call upon the Lord and He will answer your cries with His presence that offers unbelievable peace. This takes courage and faith, but it is the best way to get through all of our troubles! It is Christ and His love that gives us the strength to face whatever may come against us. Believe it!
Lord God, I praise You for the comfort that Your Word gives me. Thank You Lord that in You I am an overcomer. In You I have hope no matter what comes! I ask Your forgiveness for doubting You, and I pray Holy Spirit that You would strengthen my faith today! Give me the where-with-all to call upon You first! In Jesus’ name. Amen.