Song of the Day
“Graves into Gardens” by Elevation Worship
Scripture to reflect upon
Devotional thought
“There’s nothing better than You”!
Graves into Gardens lyric
We sing this line repeatedly in this song, and I agree whole-heartedly that there really is nothing better in our lives than God Himself! We will see miraculous changes in our lives, sin destroyed, and relationships restored when we have God in our lives!
God is the one who turns our shame into His glory, ashes into beauty, graves into gardens! When we come to Jesus in faith, we die to ourselves and allow Him to work in us. As a result, He produces a great garden of restoration in the life that has died to itself and been transformed to live for the glory of God!
You see, every one of us who is putting certain areas of our lives to death that do not align with the Gospel will see new life spring up in those areas! It is the idea of pruning bushes in order to promote a better and healthier plant in the end. That is what God is doing for us! Those things that are being burning up by the Refiner’s fire are resulting in beautiful new life!
Whether you are experiencing a mountain top view right now, or the darkest of valleys, you can rest assured that God is with you! He is going to turn those nights of mourning into dancing, those acts of shame into glory, those ashes that we heap on ourselves into beautiful crowns! God desires to be our source and strength, so let’s call upon Him and allow Him to do the impossible in our lives!
Great God, You truly are the God of transformation! You truly do love me, even though you see my every act and know my every thought. I am grateful that my deeds of shame are now turned to Your glory through the testimony of Jesus’ transforming power! Please Lord, continue to refine me, continue to turn my ashes into beauty and my dead bones into gardens of Your glory! In Jesus’ name. Amen.