Song of the Day
“Living Hope” by Phil Wickham
Scripture to reflect upon
- 1 Pet 1:3,
- John 19:30 (ESV),
- Rom 15:13,
- Heb 2:14-15,
- Acts 2:32,
- 1 Tim 4:10,
- 1 Cor 15:17-19,
Devotional thought
“Hallelujah, Praise the One who set me free! Death has lost it’s grip on me. You have broken every chain, and there’s salvation in Your name. Jesus Christ, my Living Hope!” Just reflect on that for a minute.
This song is so special to me because it communicates the Gospel message so well! It shows from the first verse how each of has a time where we understood our desperate need for God to intervene into our specific situation. We cried out to Him, and He tore through the darkness of our soul and revealed His light to us!
What an act of mercy! The God of the universe revealed His glory to us and bore our sin upon Himself! The Hero of Heaven showed up to deliver us, to provide the much needed solution to our hopelessness in this world! He saved us! Hallelujah!
Not only did He save us in this present world, but He freed us from the fear of death by claiming the victory over death in His resurrection! Since Jesus is resurrected, we too are going to be resurrected along with Him! According to 1 Corinthians 15:12-20, if Christ had not been resurrected we would all be hopeless and our faith would be useless. But, He has been raised from the dead and He does provide all of us who have faith in Him an everlasting hope of life eternal!
What is a Living Hope?
A Living Hope is something that never dies! When we receive Jesus as our Savior He provides something that no one can live without – Hope! A confident trust in God’s ability to completely save us and provide us all that we need to live a godly and productive life in His name! Jesus does that for us when we become Born Again into the life He gives us! I don’t know about you, but I am ready for that hope each minute of the day!
The resurrection of Christ is the biggest reason we celebrate a hope that will never end. So, remind yourself today that your Savior is alive and He is for you. He will never leave you or forsake you. Refresh yourself in the life-giving hope God offers you in Jesus!
Oh Lord, I praise you for being the God of hope that fills me with all joy and peace! Holy Spirit, I ask that you remind me of the hope I have whenever I battle feelings of hopelessness. I repent of times when I become complacent and lifeless in my faith. I commit now to dwell in the Living Hope that you purchased for me on the cross and through the resurrection of Christ from the dead! In Jesus’ name. Amen