The Advent of Peace – Worship Eyes

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Scripture to reflect upon

  • Eph 2:13-18,
  • Luke 2:13-14,
  • Isa 26:3 (ESV),
  • 2 Thess 3:16,
  • John 14:27,
  • Isa 9:6,

Devotional thought

Our world is in desperate need of peace! So much chaos and disorder is happening all around us, maybe even within ourselves. It is hard to focus on the Prince of peace, or the Advent of peace, when we are being distracted by such chaos all the time. That is why it is important to reflect upon peace during the Advent season leading up to Christmas.

It was many years ago when a whole host of heavenly beings appeared to the Shepherds in the fields. When they had opportunity to speak from the heavenly realm to those Shepherds, they had one clear message.

“Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among people with whom he is pleased!”

Luke 2:14

Peace is only truly experienced in relationship with God. Peace and pleasing God go hand in hand, so the natural question might be, “How do I know what pleases God?”. Faith is the main element that pleases God and leads to peace in your life! 

In Hebrews 11:6 it says that it is impossible to please God without faith. Obedience pleases God, but obedience without faith is worthless, that is religion. Obedience springing from a relationship of love with God, through faith, is what the Lord desires. So, be at peace as you embrace your Savior, Jesus Christ, through faith this Christmas season!

Romans 5:1 says, “Therefore, since we have been declared righteous by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ..” This means that we have been made one with Him, we are made whole in Him, and we are made right through Him! That is true Peace!

“But now in Christ Jesus you who used to be far away have been brought near by the blood of Christ. For He is our peace,..”

Eph 2:13-14(a)

What is the significance of Peace?

Peace is equivalent to wholeness, oneness, rest, and stillness. It is interesting to think about the word peace in that way, because for me when I think of peace I usually think of it in terms of the absence of war, or chaos. Well, although that is true, it goes far beyond the absence of something by giving us the presence of something else instead – wholeness!

The Advent, or arrival, of Peace truly became accessible to humanity when Jesus arrived in this world! He is our peace!

Sin and its affects in our life cause us to experience a lack of peace. It always leads to death and destruction, which is the opposite of peace. Peace with God wasn’t really possible before Christ because the forgiveness of sins was never a permanent thing, only temporal. The New Covenant of Christ is one that offers a complete work of forgiveness to all who come to Him by faith! That is why we can have absolute peace in our lives when we come to Him.

Peace will guard our heart and mind! The way we get true peace in our lives on a day to day basis is to come to God in prayer, casting our anxieties on Him. Philippians 4:6-7 says:

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Because it expresses our trust in God, prayer is a great way to keep ourselves in perfect peace. When we pray we are expressing our trust in God to intervene into our particular situations. We are surrendering ourselves to His ultimate control and plan. Surrendering ourselves to God’s will results in peace!

Isa 26:3 tells us that the Lord will keep in perfect peace those whose mind is “stayed” on Him! Faith and hope replace fear and anxiety! Distractions and chaos are made to cease when we choose to present our requests to God and make His peace the ruler of our mind and heart!

So, child of God, be at peace today and forever. Christ Jesus is our peace and we can operate out of a place of wholeness as we look to Him each day. His arrival secured our peace forever, let’s not spend another minute without it ruling over our every action! God bless you with peace this Christmas season.


Dear Heavenly Father, truly all Glory and Honor are Yours! I praise You for declaring peace to all mankind, even to me who so desperately needs that peace in my life. I need You to replace my anxieties with confidence Lord. I need You to overwhelm the chaos in my life and allow me to dwell in the security that Your presence and peace offers me. I love You Lord, and thank You for giving me perfect peace as I trust in You. In Jesus’ name. Amen.