Hallelujah, to the Lord God Who Reigns! Worship Devotional

Song of the Day

“Hallelujah” by North Point Christmas

Scripture to reflect upon

  • Matt 2:1-12,
  • Rev 19:6,
  • Matt 1:21-23,
  • John 13:34,
  • Isa 54:14 (ESV),

Devotional thought

Hallelujah is the highest form of praise that we can exclaim from our lips! It is an adoring exclamation of praise that is designed to bring glory to God. What are we praising Him for? Let’s discuss that question.

We praise our God for sending us Emmanuel, God with us!

There is nothing more comforting than to know that the Lord God, omnipotent (which simply means all-powerful) is with us! He came to this earth to show us His love and dedication, and for that we should be in a constant state of gratitude and praise!

We praise Him for being all-powerful on our behalf!

There is absolutely nothing that we could ever ask, or even imagine, that our God cannot do. We have no need to fear in this world because our God is with us and He is all-powerful. He is fighting our battles and has already claimed us to be victorious over our enemy!

We praise Him for the Gospel!

The Child that came into this world, Jesus Christ, came to deliver us from oppression and to save us from our sins! Hallelujah, indeed. I believe that when we properly understand the transaction that took place upon the cross of Christ, that is when we will begin to understand the importance of offering up our unhindered praises to God for this wonderful act of forgiveness!

We were destined for Hell, an eternity without God forever, until our Savior showed up on the seen and saved us! This should inspire praise to rise up in each of our hearts forever. This truly is good news, and that news should fill us with joy unspeakable!

We praise Him for being the One who is Reigning in our lives!

I love that God is ruling my life. It makes my decision-making processes so much easier, it calms my irrational fears, and it gives me direction and purpose in my life. Hallelujah, indeed! I cannot imagine my life without the omnipotent God of the universe being with me as my Emmanuel! I pray that you know the same sense of peace under the Rulership of all-mighty God!

We praise Him for loving us and showing us how to love others!

God demonstrated His love by sending us a Deliverer that laid down His life for those He loved, even while we were rejecting Him! God shows us how to love sacrificially and how to love the unlovable, of which I am one! Jesus said over and over again, “Love one another as I have loved you.”. For that I say, Hallelujah, indeed!


All-powerful God, I do praise You for the love that You have shown me in Christ. I thank You for fighting my battles and giving me a peace that surpasses all understanding in Christ. I do sing with all of the Angels of Heaven, “HALLELUJAH!”, to You Lord. You are worthy to receive my praises at all times. In Jesus’ name. Amen.