The Invitation; Come and Behold the King! Worship Devotional

Song of the Day

“O Come all Ye Faithful” by Casting Crowns

Scripture to reflect upon

  • Heb 1:3-9,
  • Luke 2:13-15,
  • Ps 100:2,
  • John 1:1-2,14,
  • Matt 2:10-11,
  • Jude 1:24-25,

Devotional thought

I love our song of the day because of the invitation that it presents to all who are faithful to the King! It is a personal call to those of us who want to glorify God to rejoice and adore Him today!

Unfortunately, there are many that will reject this invitation to adore the King born to save them from their sins. We see this in John 1:10-11 where the author says the people of this world rejected Him because they didn’t recognize Him as the Messiah. They didn’t receive the invitation to live in the light, because they liked the darkness more than the light He offered them!

Well, this Christmas season I hope that you are filled with the light of Christ. I pray that you will respond to the light with adoration in your heart and praises on your lips! He is so worthy of our adoration for the work of Salvation He purchased for us. Let’s respond to this invitation with all of our heart and greet our Savior with joy and hearts full of gratitude.

This is an invitation to bring glory to God through our singing! To sing in exultation is to do so with exuberant rejoicing, with triumphant elation, and with expressions of absolute joy! When was the last time you found yourself praising God in this way? Why not begin right now?

Can you hear Christ’s invitation to you to come and find your rest in Him (see Matt 11:28-30)? I pray that you have heard this invitation and responded by faith. But, if you have not, there is always time! Do it now, today is the day of salvation and rejoicing for you. Don’t hesitate and be like those in the days of Jesus that would rather have stayed in the dark rather than the light. He came to give you life and light, all you must do is receive it (see John 1:12)!


Dear Father, I praise You for being my Christ, the Lord! I do adore You and rejoice in the fact that all of my sins are forgiven in You, and that I now have everlasting life in Your name! Help me to stay in a position of exultation when I hear Your name proclaimed. I do accept Your invitation to come and find my rest in You. Thank You Lord for such an invitation! In Jesus’ name. Amen