Do You Know What Noel Means? Worship Devotional

Song of the Day

“The First Noel” by Phil Wickham

Scripture to reflect upon

  • Luke 2:8-14,
  • Matt 2:1-12,
  • Isa 9:6-7 (ESV)

Devotional thought

The First Christmas, the Lord’s birthday, that is the dictionary meaning of “Noel”. But, Noel holds such a deeper meaning than that to all who have received Jesus as their Savior! (Check out this explanation for a more in depth look at the actual meaning of Noel)

So, if we understand Noel to be the birth of Christ, then it holds the meaning of hope, joy, peace, love, eternal life, and so much more! It is the Advent of the Messiah into this world to bring about God’s plan of redemption! Can you imagine a world without that first Noel?

I simply cannot imagine a world without the light of Christ in it. Yes, there is so much darkness in our world today, but if you removed all of the light and influence that Jesus brings to this world, it is absolutely terrifying what would be remaining (if anything at all!). Thank the Lord for all of the blessings He does bestow on this world, even though in so many ways we reject Him. He truly is a gracious God, slow to anger and abounding in love!

The Wise men from the east saw the star (light) and they came to it, bringing their gifts to pay homage to whoever this star was leading them to! For them, the first Noel was seen as an opportunity! An opportunity to come and behold the King of Israel, to bow before this Babe and to worship Him as the God who was worthy of it!

I believe that Noel has this meaning as well, an invitation to acknowledge the work of God in worshipful expressions of praise and adoration! It is an opportunity to join in with all of the Angels throughout eternity in lifting our heart and songs to God almighty for His work of redemption!

This is what Noel means to me, what does it mean to you?


Oh Lord, I celebrate You and rejoice in the First Noel! The day that Salvation came into this world! I love You Jesus, and I am grateful that Your days on this earth brought about the Father’s redemption plan in my life. I pray for those that have rejected You and ask that You would turn their hearts to acknowledge the Noel in their hearts as well! Thank You. In Jesus’ name. Amen