Joy in God’s House! Worship Devotional

Song of the Day

“House of the Lord” by Phil Wickham

Scripture to reflect upon

Devotional thought

I believe the one who is able to lift their head above the circumstances of life that seem to be clouding the reality of God at work in their lives, and chooses to trust Him through the trials they face that will be most enthusiastic in their praises! I believe it’s the one who follows the advice in the Bible, to count it all joy when faced with various trials, that will have a hearty praise spewing from their lips at all times!

Why, because we know that our God is always with us and that through the trials in life He is producing in us a deeper work of transformation. How much shouting and praising would you do if you seen a mighty warrior go to battle and defeat an enemy that was poised to kill you in the physical realm? Well, I am reminding us all right now that it is our King Jesus that is doing that in the Spiritual realm for each of us!

So, is there joy in the house of the Lord? That can only be answered by each person represented in our Church each time we worship together. I believe it is the one who understands their sinfulness to its fullest and the nature of what they were delivered from that will be expressing their joy and gratitude with the fullest conviction!

Don’t wait till Sunday to start praising our God with all of your heart, do it now! It is just something that I would like to challenge you to think about, and if needed then I encourage you to repent of a lack of true, heart-felt worship and praise. Stop everything and offer up a song from your spirit that exclaims your gratitude for the God who delivered you from your life of sin and death!


Lord God, I bless Your Name and praise You for giving me joy in my heart! I thank You that You have forgiven me much, loved me much, rejoiced over me, and given me a new life in Your Son, Jesus Christ! For these reason, and more, I commit to rejoicing in You with enthusiasm and praising You with all of my being! I love You Lord and pray these things in the Name of Jesus. Amen