The Storm Will Not Stop My Praises! Worship Devotional

Song of the Day

“Praise You in the Storm” by Casting Crowns

Scripture to reflect upon

  • Job 1:21,
  • Ps 118:28,
  • Ps 56:8,
  • Ps 121:1-2,

Devotional thought

We all have an option when life gets difficult, to press in toward God or to run from Him. I know that the temptation can be so difficult at times to run from Him, but to where will we run and from whom will we receive our help in our greatest times of need?

Recently, my son and I were discussing this very thing, and he asked me how I am handling the crisis of the death of a very good friend and co-worker. I told him that I am processing it the only way that I know how, by pressing into God and running to Him often for help. I told Him that I cast my cares at His feet because that is what the Lord wants me to do (1 Pet 5:7).

The other thing I told him was that I have only two options; to proceed in faith or to go forward without faith. The only problem I have with those two options is that God has proven Himself far too many times for me to even consider the second option, so I have to proceed in faith. I will continue to trust in the Sovereignty of God! My faith will remain strongly rooted in the fact that He is God and I am not!

The storms of life will come and go, but in the midst of those turbulent times we should never make the decision to move off of the only constant thing we have – our God’s reliability! We have to choose to stand on His promises to be with us and to provide our help in times of trouble. He is the God of comfort and gives us grace to persevere through the most difficult times when we rely upon Him.

I know the temptation is strong to give up hope and to stop worshiping the Almighty, but please let’s not go down that road. Let’s be resolved to offer our praises to the Lord our God and to testify of His goodness even when it doesn’t make any worldly sense to do so! I want to show the world around me that in Christ we can have a peace that surpasses all understanding through the deepest and darkest valleys. Why? Because His rod and staff comfort and guide me through those valleys (Ps 23:6)! He is with me and I will praise Him always for that promise.


Oh God, I praise You, even in this storm – I praise You. Especially in times of hardship God, teach my song to rise to You. I ask You to remind me today of how close You really are to me so I can have courage in facing the trial I am in right now. You are worthy of my worship Lord, and I offer it to You now. In Jesus name. Amen.