When I In Awesome Wonder! Worship Devotion

Song of the Day

“How Great Thou Art” by Paul Baloche

Scripture to reflect upon

Devotional thought

I believe that the awesome wonder of God is largely missing in our culture, and yes maybe even in the Church, today! If I am being honest, I know that is true for myself even. There is no way that I walk in the realization of the awesome wonder of God at all times. I have ebbs and flows of reverential awe that wash over me, but nothing consistent (I am ashamed to confess). So as I write this, I understand the tension and conviction one could feel with this type of content.

So, how can we stay in a position of reverential awe then? I believe the answer to that is to stay close to Him. See, the closer we are to God the bigger He becomes in our sight, the farther we distance ourselves from Him the smaller He becomes in our sight.

If you are experiencing God in a small way today it is because you have a small view of God. If you are experiencing Him much today, it is because He is big in your sight! The only way to change the way you see the Lord is to either draw nearer to Him or to grow distant from Him. It is all proportionate to the level of your seeking. Our God never changes or moves, it is us that enhance or diminish His greatness in our sight.

Big God equals; big love, big forgiveness, big comfort, big help, etc. In our main verse today, 2 Samuel 7:22, the Psalmist attributes the greatness of our Sovereign Lord to the experience of Him as he has seen and heard. The more we see and hear, read and understand, and grow in our relationship with our Great God is to the level that we will stand in awe of His limitless abilities and power!

Our time with God, and our relentless pursuit of Him, cannot be compromised if we desire to stand in awesome wonder of the greatness God in our lives! If you are struggling to remember the last time you stood in awe of God, the wonder of His holiness, then I would submit to you that you have not spent enough time being still in His presence reflecting only upon who He is and what He has done. Take this time to meditate on Him and not your own needs and requests.

In the old hymn, Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus, we sing this wonderful line,

“Turn your eyes upon Jesus, Look full in His wonderful face. And the things of this world will grow strangely dim in the light of His glory and grace.”.

Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus

When we choose to fix our eyes upon our Great God, the issues of life become smaller and smaller compared to the magnificence of His Awesome Presence and Power.

Have you forgotten? The greatness of your mighty God hasn’t been diminished in any way. He is still the One that completely removed our sinfulness before Him! It is His name that still drives out the enemy. He is still; healing, loving, forgiving, reconciling, regenerating lives for His glory, freeing captives, opening the eyes of the blind, etc. You and I were given the blessing of all of these things if we know Jesus to be our personal Savior! In these truths I truly do stand in awesome wonder. How about you?

Oh God, How great You Are! Hallelujah.


Great and Mighty God, I do praise You for Your unmatched attributes. There is none like You, Lord. Please help me to stay in awe of Your greatness. In Jesus’ Name. Amen