Worship Minute: Praising the Name of God! I hope that the Lord is the high and lifted up One in your life. This week we will be exalting His Name through song, and it excites me to bring him glory and honor in that way together with you!
What does His name mean to you? How does the Name of God impact your thinking and daily life? What, or who, is the longing of your heart?
Go here: http://worshipeyes.com/?p=1298 to read the devotional I wrote discussing the importance of keeping the Lord as the high and lifted up One, and to sing along to the song of the day by Natalie Grant titled, “Your Great Name! God bless you and bring you much joy today! ~ Mark

The Bible is Our Foundation for Life
Pastor’s Bill and Eric discuss the importance of sticking to the Truth of God’s Word as we navigate through various