I’m Listening God! Worship Devotional

Song of the Day

“I’m Listening” by Chris McClarney

Scripture to reflect upon

Devotional thought

There are many examples of God speaking in the Scriptures, like to Elijah for example in 1 Kings 19, but that does not mean that God is limited to only audible speech, does it? In Job 33:14-17 we see that God speaks in dreams and visions. We know God speaks through His written Word (2 Tim 3:16). God speaks through people (Acts 21:10-11). Jesus said that God speaks by His Spirit (John 16:13-15).

Isn’t that what we all want as God’s children, to hear His voice and to follow Him? We are His children, and we want to know where He is and how He is leading us. Our Father’s voice creates clarity. His voice gives us peace. He is the voice is wisdom. God’s voice gives guidance. He is specific. God loves to speak to us if only we will listen!

My Pastor has been preaching on the story of Elijah lately, and I have been extremely challenged by those messages. Well, this Sunday we will be in 1 Kings 19, where Elijah finds himself on the Mountain called Horeb (This is Mount Sinai, the same mountain that Moses received the 10 Commandments on). He has gone there in an attempt to flee from Jezebel, who promised to kill him, and to seek solace in the Lord. I just spoke with my Pastor today about this story, and he pointed out to me from that passage something I had not really seen before.

When God spoke to Elijah, He asked him why he was there! Firstly, That is a great question for God to ask, the One who knows our thoughts and the intentions of all of our hearts (Ps 44:21)! Secondly, Elijah completely ignores the question and responds to God by complaining about how good he has been and how unfair it is that he is alone and running for his life!

How many times do we make it about us? The very voice of God is speaking to Elijah and he chooses to make his response a complaint about himself and his situation! Not once, but he did this twice.

Now God, in His grace, responded to Elijah by communicating purpose and truth to him. He gave him the next steps for his mission, and reminded Elijah that he was not alone. I find it convicting to think about what I do when I actually do have an audience with the living God. Do I choose to complain about my “plight”, or do I worship Him and obey His voice of direction and comfort?

Speak Lord, I choose to listen and respond by faith!


Dear Father, the One who spoke the world into existence, I praise You for speaking to me in various ways. I ask that You give me a discerning heart that is able to hear and respond to Your voice. Please forgive me for the times I do not still myself long enough to hear You Lord. I apologize for the times I only come to you and complain about my situation. Please teach me to be still at Your feet Lord. I’m listening, please speak to me Lord. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.