Who Do You Belong To? Worship Devotional

Song of the Day

“Lay Me Down” by One Sonic Society

Scripture to reflect upon

Devotional thought

Our culture is one that pushes independence and kicks back at submission. We hate the idea of being controlled by anything or anyone, and while that has some real benefits for the most part, it does hurt us spiritually.

The Gospel is best activated in our life when we learn the art of submission through surrendering ourselves to the authority of Christ. When we release the control of our lives to the Lord our God it produces a sense of confidence and assurance that He will guide us to where He wants us.

Submission to authority is the key to a life lived in peace and direction. In order to do that though, we must acknowledge who our authority is. Who do we belong to? I know that question doesn’t set right with many of us, but we have to answer that question if we want the blessing of God’s leadership in our lives.

Jesus said in John 8:47 that you can know if you belong to God by if you listen to Him and respond to His Word. Do you obey Him? Do you hear His voice and obey? John 10 tells us that those who belong to Christ hear His voice. Do you use your body for good or have you been using your body, the temple of the Holy Spirit, in ungodly ways? Paul says in 1 Cor 6:19-20 that we need to remember that our body is not our own, Christ bought it at a price and we should use it to glorify Him!

Learn the discipline of laying yourself down and choosing to follow the Lord’s direction and plan for you. It will lead you right into joy! Hebrews 12:2 says that it was a joyful thing for Christ to do His Father’s will. Well, just like Christ Himself, who chose the will of His Father over His own (Luke 22:42), we will have joy when we say Your will Your way Lord!

When we declare that we belong to Him and we are willing to go, and do, whatever He directs us to do, our lives will be full of purpose, direction, and joy! God wants that for all of us, so let’s begin to say today, “I belong to the Lord and everything I do is in submission to His will and His way for my life!”.


Oh Lord, I praise You for having a plan and purpose for my life. I want to follow You all the days of my life, because I profess that I belong to You Lord. Use me for Your purposes God, and I will thank You for Your direction and authority over my life. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.