The Love that Provides Eternal Life! Worship Devotional

Song of the Day

“God So Loved” by We the Kingdom

Scripture to reflect upon

  • John 3:16,
  • Rom 5:8,
  • Matt 11:28-30,
  • John 4:14,
  • Ps 119:76,
  • 1 John 5:11-13,

Devotional thought

The Father’s arms are open for all who will come to Him to receive life and love! We praise the Lord for the love He has shown us! It is this love that gives sinners like myself an opportunity to receive salvation and redemption in this world! Are you thirsty for that sort of salvation, for that kind of love? Jesus says, “Come to Me and you will never thirst again”!

You see, every one of us needs that sort of saving intervention in our lives. The Bible says that we have fallen short of the glory of God because we have all sinned. Sin is what has been the issue since the fall of mankind, and it is what keeps us from having fellowship with the holy God of the universe.

Mankind + sin = Death and eternal separation from God

Well, here is the great news, God showed His love and patience with us by providing a sacrifice for each one of us in His Son – Jesus Christ. This Perfect Sacrifice took the weight of our sins upon Himself and carried our iniquities (a big word for sinfulness) to the Cross and paid the penalty we all deserved to pay – Death.

Jesus – sin = Life!

Jesus – sin + death = Life eternal for all who believe in Him

This act of mercy is how the Father showed in real terms that He loves us. He gave His Son to be a substitutionary sacrifice for us, to be our “stand-in” so to speak, and to free us from ever having to experience the wrath of God upon our sinful deeds! Why, because Christ’s sacrifice provides a complete work of forgiveness to all who come to Him and receive it by faith! Praise Him for the wonders of His love, indeed!

The amazing thing to consider in all of this is that we who remain must only believe in that Sacrificial Lamb to receive the gift of salvation and eternal life in His Name forever! John 1:12 tells us that to those who receive Him, to those who believe in His Name, to them He gave the right to become children of God! And again in 1 John 5:12 it says that all who have the Son have eternal life!

So, with all I have shared with you today I will leave you with this tremendous verse to sum it all up:

No one has greater love than this—that one lays down his life for his friends.

John 15:13 (NET 2nd ed.)


Thank You Father for sending Your only Son to save me! Your love is limitless and Your mercy has changed my life forever. I will offer my praise to You Lord for demonstrating so much love to me in the sacrifice of Your Son. Thank You Jesus for loving me enough to lay down Your life for me. I love You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen