All Things Are Possible Because He Lives! Worship Devotional

Song of the Day

Because He Lives” by Matt Maher

Scripture to reflect upon

  • Rev 12:11,
  • 1 John 5:4,
  • Col 2:13,
  • Ephesians 2:4-7,
  • Mark 16:6,
  • Phil 4:13,

Devotional thought

We are so blessed to be able to declare victory in this life because of the victory we have in Christ Jesus! He conquered sin and death so that each of us can also share in that victorious life!

We just celebrated Easter Sunday, Resurrection Day, and it was so great to see how many people came out to Church to shout out their praises to the Risen Savior of the World. There was life and energy in the Sanctuary, as it should be always!

Why is it the we need the constant reminders of the life we have because of the Risen Savior? We truly are prone to wander, prone to worry and fret, all while forgetting that all things are possible for us to overcome now because we have a LIVING Savior – Jesus Christ, who overcame death!

Our faith needs to remain strongly rooted in Him and what He can do in us. We get tempted to think that we are hopeless, helpless, worthless, and so many other negative images of ourselves in this world. But, we must reject these lies and embrace the reality of the Gospel at work in us!

We were dead in our sins and shame, but mercy called our names and transformed us when we called upon Jesus to save us! What do we believe? Does our Savior make us completely new? Do we have life and life to the fullest when we ask Jesus to be our Lord? Is His mercy enough to sustain us through some of the hardest moments we ever had to face? Can we say that His presence and power can help us be over-comers, more than conquerors, in this world?

I believe that it is absolutely possible to be an overcomer in this world! It is my faith that reminds me that all things are possible as long as I have a Living Savior. And the last I checked, my God hasn’t died! He is still living, and because He is living I can live! I can face tomorrow, whatever fear, anxiety, trial, along with anything else is subject to His Lordship!

So, let’s take courage and face today, and every other day, equipped with the truth that we do not need to fear, and are able to overcome by the power He gives us who believe in His matchless name!


Oh God, forgive me for worrying and forgetting that You are the living God of the universe and hold my life in Your hands! Nothing is too difficult for You and I can trust You Lord! I praise You for giving me victory in this life, and Holy Spirit I ask that You truly would help me to be an overcomer! In Jesus’ Name, Amen.