The God of Glory Worthy of All Praise! Worship Devotional

Song of the Day

“Glorious” by Brian and Katie Torwalt

Scripture to reflect upon

Devotional thought

“I know nothing apart from Your goodness God” is a line we sing from our song of the day, Glorious. It is a declaration of the choice we make to see God from the proper perspective! And I believe that it is absolutely critical for us all to see the Lord from the Biblically revealed perspective!

All-too-often we are guilty of worshiping a God of our own making. We minimize the God of Scripture and make Him conform to a god of our own understanding. This is idolatry and must be renounced by those who are guilty of doing it!

The God of the Bible is one who is Glorious, full of splendor, and holy! He is revealed in many ways, but I believe the one that captures His essence more than any other is – Glorious! So, what is glorious?

Glorious is to be honorable, dignified, powerful, distinguished, splendid, beautiful and/or radiant. To be full of Glory, Glorious, is to be great, majestic, and full of splendor. So, do you see why I think this may be the best term to capture the essence of God? This is why He is so deserving of our praises!

What I love about this is that the more we see God and experience Him as He is revealed in the Scriptures, the more we reflect that glory to others around us! 2 Cor 3:18 tells us that we are reflecting the glory of the Lord as we encounter Him and His splendor through the Spirit! That is so exciting to me and makes me want to bask in the glorious presence of God forever so that when I am around others they will also be compelled to glory in the Lord!

Choose today to know nothing apart from the good, glorious, loving, and all other revealed attributes of God! I promise that you will experience transformational grace as you encounter the God of the Bible!


Glorious God, I praise You for who You are! I ask forgiveness for any time that I have tried to make You into an image of my own making. I choose to worship You as You have revealed Yourself to be. Help me to reject any false image I have of You and to fully embrace Your Glorious and Holy nature! In Jesus’ Name, Amen