Living, Dying, Buried, Risen, and Coming Again! Worship Devotional

Song of the Day

“Glorious Day” by Casting Crowns

Scripture to reflect upon

Devotional thought

If you have been following these devotionals for any length of time, you will know that I absolutely love songs that point us to and take us through the Gospel! Glorious Day is one of those songs that helps us declare the good news of God’s salvation and the hope of life everlasting! So, I am really excited to talk about it and to worship the Lord through this song!

Jesus left His place of Glory, Heaven, and came to this Earth to fulfill the Father’s plan of redemption. The Earth was full of sin and darkness, and there was nothing that mankind was able to do on its own to produce light. We need a Savior, we needed light to overcome the darkness!

So, Jesus made His dwelling among us, and lived a perfect life. He did innumerable miracles, provided mind-blowing teachings, and showed us the perfect example of how to live in a lost world! Even though He did nothing to deserve it, the people decided that He deserved to die.

Our God watched them put His Son through some of the most horrific torture, ridicule, and pain ever. Our Lord hung on a cross for 6 hours and took the punishment meant for each of us upon Himself. He died – the Author of Life, died.

Then on the third day, some went to His tomb and found it empty! They cried out for those that were there to return the body, but those men said that the Man they were looking for is not there – HE IS RISEN! Jesus rose from the dead! He is alive and has ascended to the right hand of the Father (after showing Himself to over 500 eye witnesses of His resurrected body).

Now, we who have received this Savior as our own, we are waiting for His return! Our God is coming again to take us to be with Him forever in Heaven! What a glorious day that will be when we meet the Lord in the air, when we hear that great trumpet sound, and see the Object of our faith coming down from heaven again! Only this time instead of coming as a baby, He is coming as King! Hallelujah.

Do you believe this?

How does this knowledge affect your daily activities?

Does this Truth inspire worship in your heart?


God of redemption, I praise You for redeeming my life when You sent the Savior to die for me. You are such a Glorious God, and deserve every bit of praise and worship I can give you! I so appreciate the Gospel message and pray that it would take full effect in my life Lord. I pray for those who are rejecting this message, that they would turn to You and receive the gift of salvation You offer everyone. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.