How He Loves Us! Worship Devotional

Song of the Day

“How He Loves” by David Crowder

Scripture to reflect upon

(Please hover over, or click onto, the Scripture references below and study/meditate on them.)

  • Deut 4:24,
  • Zeph 3:17,
  • Ps 25:6,
  • Isa 63:9,
  • Ps 40:11,
  • Rom 8:37-39,

Devotional thought

I am simply overwhelmed at the reality of God’s love for me. There is no justifiable reason that I should expect that God would extend any sort of love toward me, but that His gracious character is able to see passed my failures and sinfulness to bless me with His love!

The Scripture says that He is jealous for us, His passion burns for us, His glory is revealed to us to ensure that we know He desires us! The lyric in the 1st verse has a line in it that I have come to love:

“His love’s like a hurricane and I am a tree bending beneath the weight of His love and mercy!”

We have learned in other devotionals that God’s glory is weighty, so is His love if we truly grasp it! The heaviness of God’s love and affection will impact our daily lives if recognize it. His love isn’t there and extended to us so we can continue to live lives that reject Him, thinking falsely that His love accepts us just the way we are and allows us to stay there! That is utterly false.

Yes, God does receive us in whatever condition we are in, but it is not as though we can come to God and demand that we stay the same as when He found us. His love will not look beyond our prideful hearts that are unwilling to repent! We come to God to be changed, delivered, saved from ourselves and our sinful ways. And that is exactly what His love and mercy toward us does – it changes us! It doesn’t allow us to stay in our sinful ways.

God’s love compels transformation, requires change, sheds light on the darkness of our lives, and moves us from our sinful ways into a holy lifestyle! Why? Because “We are His portion and He is our prize, drawn to redemption by the grace in HIS eyes…” His love redeems us and His grace draws us closer to Him as it teaches us to deny ungodliness!

So if you are caught in a pattern of sin and are trying to justify your sinful ways through the lens of God’s love, I exhort you now to stop! God’s love transforms us from that old person and those old ways into holiness. That is how He loves us and how His love should impact a Christians life!


Dear Father, thank You for lavishing Your love upon me. I love You Lord and commit myself to allowing Your love to change me from the inside out. Holy Spirit, I pray for Your conviction and reminder of God’s love extended toward me so I can reject anything in my life that goes against You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.