Trusting God is Working in Our Life! Worship Devotional

Song of the Day

“Way Maker” by Leeland

Scripture to reflect upon

(Please hover, or click onto, the Scriptures to read the specified text!)

Devotional thought

There are times we are tempted to doubt that God is active in our life. We hit what seems to be a dry and spiritually desolate season, and doubts start creeping in to tempt us to believe that God is inactive. This can be very burdensome and disheartening, but is it really true?

As I read the Scriptures they remind me that even when I don’t see, or feel, the Lord working – He always is! He never stops working on behalf of His followers. His promises are always going to fulfill themselves in our lives.

The problem for many of us is that we want instant gratification! We don’t want to wait on Jesus, we want answers, results, gratification right now. And we will not settle for less. Like some bratty kid who throws a tantrum, or a spouse with unhealthy boundaries and has a fit every time they don’t get their way or someone doesn’t come to their beck and call at once.

When we act this way, then we may say things like, “nobody ever does anything around here”, “I never get the toy I want”, “I am alone”, etc. Then we take matters into our own hands, which usually results in bitterness and relational stress!

While this may be true for some of us in some cases, it is never true of God! We just need to learn to trust in Him and wait for Him to prove Himself to be the Way Maker, Promise Keeper, and Miracle Worker in our life. Trust Him and believe that He will work out all things for your good – if you truly do love Him and are called according to His purposes. Which you are!

There are so many things that God does for us behind the scenes, without us being aware of it. And, there are things that are abundantly obvious. If you are doubting God’s current activity in your life then I would recommend that you start with reminding yourself where He has/is showing up in your life and offer up your praises for the work He is doing there!


O’ Miracle Worker, I praise You that Your promises toward me will never fail! I love You Lord for loving me and calling me into Your Kingdom to fulfill Your purposes in my life. I am sorry for doubting You, for doubting that You are active in my life, and I repent today. I want to be more aware of Your activity, so Holy Spirit please show me where and how You are working. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.