Jesus Wants Us to Rise Up! Worship Devotional

Song of the Day

“Rise Up” by Cain

Scripture to reflect upon

(Please hover, or click onto, the Scriptures to read the specified text!)

  • John 11:38-44,
  • Rom 6:4,
  • Isa 2:5,
  • Phil 3:10,
  • John 10:10,
  • 2 Cor 5:17,

Devotional thought

Are you living with grave clothes on? That is not the way our Lord wants us to live! Jesus Christ wants us to live a life of victory and freedom. He overcame the power of death so we can be free of its power over us.

For many of us the problem is in our mind. We convince ourselves that we are not victorious, that the power of God is for everyone else but not us, that we will not be able to live as new creations in Christ!

Just like Lazarus’ sister, many of us are afraid of the effects of opening up the entrance to our deadness. We are full of shame and fearful that those parts of our life are beyond repair. This is a lie straight from the father of lies, Satan, and is designed to keep us in a state of utter hopelessness and defeat.

The good news is that we do not have to be fearful of the tombs of our lives with Christ! He is here to bring glory from our shame, to remove the grave clothes we have on, and to replace them with robes of righteousness! We can, and should be, experiencing a new resurrection life of freedom, joy, purpose, fullness, etc.

Those of us who know Jesus personally must receive the call upon our lives to come forth, to rise up, and to live a resurrected life! A life of blessing and favor, power and victory, and freedom from those things that were producing death in us. We must rise up above those demons that held their hands over our ears for so long so we couldn’t hear the Voice of the Savior calling us up out of the tomb that held us captive!

That tomb is gone, that old man is gone. The new man is here and now we will live a life that glorifies our God – a resurrected and victorious life!


Oh Father, I praise You for sending Jesus Christ to free me from a defeated life. I praise You Jesus for paying my debt and raising my life up from the dead! I offer all the dead parts that are wrapped in grave clothes to You now, and ask You to redeem them and speak life into every area of my life. In Jesus’ Name, help me to rise up and live victorious. Amen.