God’s Love is Like Springtime! Worship Devotional

Song of the Day

“Springtime” by Chris Renzema

Scripture to reflect upon

(Please hover, or click onto, the Scriptures to read the specified text!)

  • John 11:25,
  • Ps 149:1,
  • Heb 2:14-15,
  • Rev 21:6,
  • Ephesians 4:15,
  • Ps 30:5,
  • Ps 42:1-2,

Devotional thought

I am excited to be introducing this new song at Eagleville Bible Church this week! Actually, I will not be introducing it, but the team that is standing in to give me a break will be! Thank the Lord for such a wonderful team of musicians and ministry partners that offer me the ability to take a vacation!

Springtime is one of my favorite times of the year because of all the new life that is emerging after a 6-8 month season of deadness! Trees without leaves, grass that is brown and usually covered in snow, and nothing growing but the anticipation of the arrival of a new season.

Well, some of us are going through a season of spiritual barrenness. Maybe we have experienced a tragedy, depression, lifelessness, and possibly even a deep sense of hopelessness. We have forgotten that springtime is only a season away. I know that there are times that springtime is only a wishful thought, but it is a reality when we know the God of living water!

Our God is the God of love, life, hope, joy, and peace! He may allow times of trials, but those times are meant for our growth and His glory. Yes, sorrow comes in the night. There are tears, and pain is inevitable, but don’t we have a God who promises to be with us each step of the way? YES!

Just as sorrow comes in the night, joy comes in the morning! Death has been defeated, and resurrected life is promised to all who come to God by faith. It is time to experience the joy of a Spiritual springtime! A time of growth, intimacy with the Lord, and anticipation of encountering the Life-Giver in the midst of our Spiritual winter.

He is ready to tend the soil of our soul, if we will only allow Him to till our hearts and plant the seeds of revival inside us! Our God has not abandoned us. We do not have to remain in a frozen and dead state when the Lord of the Resurrection is on our side!


My Lord and my God. I praise You for the being the resurrection and the life! I trust You God to restore my life and revive my inner man again! I want to experience a renewed season of growth and intimacy with You, Lord. I look to You Holy Spirit to restore my joy and plant the seeds of revival and resurrection power in my life again. I trust You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.