Entrust Your Battles to God! Worship Devotional

Song of the Day

“Battle Belongs” by Phil Wickham

Scripture to reflect upon

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Devotional thought

“Almighty Fortress, You go before us. Nothing can stand against the power of our God!” I love this declaration from the bridge of this song. Jeremiah 32 tells us:

“The Lord answered Jeremiah. “I am the Lord, the God of all humankind. There is, indeed, nothing too difficult for me.

Jeremiah 32:26–27 (NET)

Some of us need a reminder today that God is still in control and that He loves to fight for us! He told His people in 2 Chronicles 20:17 that they will not need to fight, but that He would be with them and would deliver them from their enemies!

It is God who told the Israelites through His servant Moses when they were fleeing Egypt:

“The Lord will fight for you, and you have only to be silent.”

Exodus 14:14 (ESV)

And it is God who is telling you that it is best for you to stop your striving and to enter into the rest that is reserved for His children! God desires to be your Victor, your Fortress, your Deliverer. If only we will trust Him to be the Champion of Heaven that will fight our battles.

Allow God to fight whatever battle you are facing today. Choose to stay in the posture of worship, just like they did in 2 Chronicles 20! It was by worshiping God and obeying His commands that they experienced victory, and so it is with us! Trust in His ability to overcome whatever evil is tormenting you and He will! I promise!


My great battle-fighting King! I praise You for being all-powerful and willing to fight on my behalf! I am sorry God when I doubt that You are able to overcome my enemies for me, and I try to do it all on my own. I choose even now to trust You fully and to allow You the opportunity to receive glory as You fight my battles and make me victorious in this life. I love You Lord and thank You for being for me! In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Memory Verse