Time to Surrender! Worship Devotional

Song(s) of the Day

“Springtime” by Chris Renzema

“I Surrender” by Hillsong Worship

Scripture to reflect upon

(Please hover, or click onto, the Scriptures to read the specified text!)

  • Ecclesiastes 3:1-8,
  • Romans 12:1,
  • Isaiah 30:15,
  • John 10:14,
  • Jeremiah 31:13,
  • Ps 30:5,
  • Ps 42:1-2,

Devotional thought

The process that occurs in gardening is just this – a seed is planted, and in order for life to grow from it, it must die. The life breaks free from the seed and sprouts into something new, leaving behind the shell of what once contained it.


We need to learn the power of surrendering to the process of seasons. Seasons of growth, death, stillness, activity, and so-on. Just like fighting against the change from Summer to Fall will create an unnecessary frustrations in our life, so too will fighting against the inevitable changes in our lives.

Control is something each of us has to release if we truly desire to embrace each season with grace and opportunity. When we decide to respond to the seasons of our life from a position of trust, we will be able to embrace our current context of living with a renewed sense of confidence and optimism.

The seed has to die for true living to take place! We must learn the art of Surender if we want to live our lives to the fullest too! If we are desiring to see and know Jesus, but hell-bent on living your life by your own power, you will be frustrated and it will rob you of a life to the fullest. God says in Ps 32:9 that we should not be like a stubborn horse/mule that will not heed the voice of their master without a bit or bridle. Why? Because in the verse directly above that, Ps 32:8, He says that He will guide us and instruct us with His loving eye upon us!

Surrendering to God’s direction, God’s ways, and living our lives from a heart of submission to Him will give us the best possible life we can have. But, we must put to death the flesh and its desires in order to achieve this. Just as the seed must be planted/laid into the earth to die in order to live, we must lay our agenda, our pride, our flesh down to gain the life that Christ has purchased for us on the Cross!

The springtime of our lives only will happen after the winter season. Springtime is when we see the growth of those things that have been devastated by the effects of a long winter. Well, we will also see the effects of resurrection power after we decide to devastate those works of the flesh that are blocking the life giving Son-shine into the soil of our heart!

Embrace the season of springtime spiritually as you surrender yourself today to God’s wonderful love and plan for your life!


Father of Heaven and Earth, I praise You for leading me through the various seasons of life. I want to embrace the season I am in and allow You to guide me through it to get to the place of experiencing growth. I release control over to You now in every area of my life, and put to death the works of my flesh so I can live by the Spirit. Increase in me Lord. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Memory Verse