God is Greater!

Worship Minute: He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world! I pray that you are reminded today, and encouraged of the Truth of who you are in Christ and your righteous standing before the Father because of the blood of Christ.
Please follow this link to read the devotional content and to learn the new song for this week called Greater, by Mercy Me – https://worshipeyes.com/?p=1659
The list of songs for this Sunday’s church services are:
– Egypt by Bethel Music
– Greater by Mercy Me
– Agnus Dei/King of Kings by various artists (Hillsong)
– Grace like Rain by Todd Agnew
– Awesome is the Lord Most high by Chris Tomlin
I hope that helps you to be prepared to sing on Sunday! Have a blessed day ~ Mark
Greater is He who Lives in Me! Worship Devotional
Song of the Day “Greater” by Mercy Me Scripture to reflect upon (Please hover, or click onto, the Scriptures to read the specified text!) 1 John 4:4, Col 3:2, Ps 107:2 (NASB), 1 John 3:20, Rom 8:1-2, 8:31, Deut 7:6, Titus 2:11-12, Devotional thought We have an adversary called Satan. He is against those who […]