Song of the Day
“Greater” by Mercy Me
Scripture to reflect upon
(Please hover, or click onto, the Scriptures to read the specified text!)
- 1 John 4:4,
- Col 3:2,
- Ps 107:2 (NASB),
- 1 John 3:20,
- Rom 8:1-2, 8:31,
- Deut 7:6,
- Titus 2:11-12,
Devotional thought
We have an adversary called Satan. He is against those who are trying to live a life of holiness and is trying his best to distract us from living godly lives. He is very effective and is looking for opportunities all the time to influence us to reject the truth and believe the lies he is speaking into our ears.
While this is a reality, we are not without hope! When we receive Christ as our Savior, He takes ownership of our lives. He becomes our Master and fills us with a Helper from above – the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the one that reminds us of who we are, and whose we are, by pointing us to the Truth!
The reason this is important is because our adversary’s major ploy to distract us is to cause us to question both of those things; our identity and our position in God’s family. As soon as we mess up, he is right in our ear seeking to convince us that we are failures and will never measure up to God’s standard of perfection.
We can become discouraged and lose the motivation to live godly lives when we start believing these accusations from our enemy. But, the Word of God tells us that Christ is our righteousness, and that we must only live by faith and we stand pure before the Father. It is not our perfection He seeks, it is the perfection of Christ that gets imputed (attributed) to us that matters to the Father.
So, when Satan tries to accuse you of being unfit for the Kingdom of God, answer him with the truth! Yes, I am unfit and unworthy to be a part of the Kingdom of God, but God has redeemed me by His grace and I am now His child forever! I can no longer be condemned by you or anyone else, because I stand forgiven and completely accepted through the blood of my Savior, Jesus Christ!
There will be days we mess up, and there will be times we need to confess our sin and humble ourselves before the Father. But, His love and grace towards us never changes, because they are not based on our performance! They are based on the work of our Redeemer – Jesus! And His work was completely sufficient to make even an imperfect person like me stand perfectly clean before a Holy God! Hallelujah.
If He is for us, who can be against us?
Thank You Lord for giving me truth to live by! I appreciate the reality of who I am and whose I am being defined by Your grace and not my actions. I pray that You teach me when I need to reject the lies and accusations of the enemy, and to heed the voice of Your Holy Spirit in my life. Thank You. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Memory Verse