Even When We don’t See it, God IS Working! Worship Devotional

Song of the Day

“Way Maker” by Leeland

Devotional thought

There are so many things that God does for us behind the scenes, without us being aware of it. And, there are things that are abundantly obvious. If you are doubting God’s current activity in your life then I would recommend that you start with reminding yourself where He has/is showing up in your life and offer up your praises for the work He is doing there!

We need to learn to trust in God and wait for Him to prove Himself to be the Way Making, Promise Keeper that He showed Himself to be in the Bible. Trust Him and believe that He will work out all things for our good – if we truly do love Him and are called according to His purposes. Which is who you are!

He hasn’t stopped working because we are feeling anxious, have cancer, lost a loved one, feel lonely, or anything else. Our circumstances are not evidences of a complacent God, they are opportunities to press into Him and find out His heart in them.

Hardships and joys, mourning and laughter, anxiety and peace are all opportunities to see God as the Way maker that He is. In anything that we encounter in our life, we have the chance to see God at work. But, even if we don’t see it, we need to be able to trust that our Miracle working God is fighting for us. He is working on our behalf and we must stay in a posture of trust and worship if we are to see the results of His work in us!


My God, I appreciate how You have worked in my life, and I trust that You are working in my life even now! I am sorry Lord for doubting Your activity, for not trusting You and taking matters into my own hands. Please help me to trust You more and to cast my anxieties at Your feet. I love You Lord. Amen

Scripture to reflect upon

Memory Verse