Why Make Such a Big Deal out of a Name? Worship Devotional

Song of the Day

“At Your Name” by Phil Wickham

Devotional thought

The name(s) of God describes Him! All you need to know about God is revealed in His name(s). I am linking to GotQuestions.org and would ask that you spend time looking at this specific page on the Names of God! It is awesome! The name(s) of God describes Him! https://www.gotquestions.org/names-of-God.html

Here are just a few from the list of so many Names that represent God and His character as revealed in the Scriptures.

  • God “mighty, strong, prominent” – EL ELOAH
  • “The Lord Will Provide” – YAHWEH-JIREH
  • “The Lord Our Righteousness” – YAHWEH-TSIDKENU [yah-way-tzid-kay-noo](Good luck saying that one!)
  • “Mighty God” – EL-GIBHOR
  • “The Lord Our Peace” – YAHWEH-SHALOM 
  • God with us – EMMANUEL

Are you beginning to see why we make such a big deal out of a Name now? The Name holds a meaning that unveils the mysteries of who God is! If you need provision, call out a prayer to Yahweh-Jireh who revealed to Abraham the truth of that statement when He provided a ram for a sacrifice instead of his son Isaac! Call out to Yahweh Shalom when your heart and mind are full of anxiety and your fears need to be calmed by the God of peace!

When we feel alone, doesn’t it help to know that God revealed Himself as Emmanuel – God with us? The Israelites held God’s name in high regard, and I feel like we would do well in following their example today! His name is holy, completely set apart. There is no god like Him, and no other Name like His! It is our salvation according to Acts 4:12!

And there is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among people by which we must be saved.”

Acts 4:12 (NET 2nd ED)

That’s why we make a big deal out of the Name of God! Because at His Name the mountains shake and crumble, the seas roar and tumble, the angels bow down, the earth rejoices, and His people cry out in faith!

How about you? What does that Name mean to you?


Dear Heavenly Father, whose Name is higher than any other. I praise You and offer my worship to You for revealing Yourself in the Bible through Names! You have been so faithful and I honor Your Name from my heart. Thank You for the comfort of Your Name. Help me to represent Your Name well to others around me. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Scripture to reflect upon

(Please hover, or click onto, the Scriptures to read the specified text!)

Memory Verse