Is The Greatest Fear – Aloneness? Worship Devotional

Song of the Day

“I Am Not Alone” by Kari Jobe

Devotional thought

I am convinced that one the greatest fears we all face is to be alone. As I talk with people and discuss the spiritual struggles we deal with, the fear of being alone is a seriously underestimated force in people’s lives.

I believe this is maybe one of the main reasons the Gods chose to reassure us so often in the Bible that we are never alone! He tells us so many times not to fear because He is with us! Perhaps one of the most recognizable verses in the Bible, read at most funerals, is Psalm 23:4 which says that the comfort of knowing God is with us is what helps us to face some of the darkest valleys!

Our song of the day reassures us that God is with us, no matter if we are standing in the fire (Daniel 3:17-28), walking through deep waters, walking through deep shadows, in the midst of deep sorrows, etc,. God is with us! He goes before us and is our rear guard!

So, yes the fear of aloneness is something tangible and can be very debilitating, but the reality of a God who will never leave or forsake us is just as real! At what point must we subject the fears we have to the truth of God’s Word, and stop allowing the fear we wrestle with rule our every thought and action? The answer is – Right now!

We can stop believing the lie that we are alone in this world today – right now! And, when that truth settles into the fabric of our being, then we can experience the freedom Jesus promised us when He said, “The truth will set you free!”.


God, I praise You for Your promise to never leave me or forsake me! I don’t know what I would do without You Lord. I know I fear being alone, and I allow that fear to control me at times, but I choose now to reject that fear and to embrace Your promises today. Please help me to become more aware of Your presence and to trust that You are with me. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Scripture to reflect upon

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Memory Verse